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Aimee's Study Notes

It is updated automatically after each commit to the org-notes repo. It was last updated on Sep 20, 2022 16:16 UTC.


Books I’ve read.

Hugo Code Highlight

Hugo uses default built-in code highlight. Change it from config.toml and (maybe) add your own syntax.css.

Philosophy and Minds

Learning from great minds.


Reading notes about the community DAO.

Blockchain Voting

Reading notes about blockchain voting.

Rust China

All about Rust China.

Rust Smart Contract

Learning resources and references.

Error Handling

Error handling learning and practice.

Game Theory

Game theory, blockchain protocols, etc.

State Machines

Theories about state machines

This site is generated with ox-hugo for Emacs/Org-mode + hugo-bare-min-theme [Aimee's Study Notes]