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Aimee's Study Notes

It is updated automatically after each commit to the org-notes repo. It was last updated on Sep 20, 2022 16:16 UTC.

This page was created/modified in commit 157b0ae "add rustsec notes" on 2021-10-08.
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Rust and security related


Solana dependencies

When we worked on Solana project, we met a problem that we couldn’t update crate dependencies with cargo update.

$ cargo update -p nix
    Updating index

But nothing changed. We kept trying:

$ cargo update -p nix --precise 0.20.2
    Updating index
error: failed to select a version for `memoffset`.
    ... required by package `nix v0.20.2`
    ... which is depended on by `ctrlc v3.1.9`
    ... which is depended on by `solana-cli v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/cli)`
versions that meet the requirements `^0.6.3` are: 0.6.4, 0.6.3

all possible versions conflict with previously selected packages.

  previously selected package `memoffset v0.6.1`
    ... which is depended on by `crossbeam-epoch v0.9.5`
    ... which is depended on by `crossbeam-deque v0.8.1`
    ... which is depended on by `rayon v1.5.1`
    ... which is depended on by `dashmap v4.0.2`
    ... which is depended on by `solana-core v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/core)`
    ... which is depended on by `solana-accounts-cluster-bench v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/accounts-cluster-bench)`

failed to select a version for `memoffset` which could resolve this conflict
$ cargo update -p ctrlc -p nix

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

One more:

$ cargo update -p ctrlc -p nix -p crossbeam-epoch -p crossbeam-deque -p rayon -p dashmap
    Updating index
    Updating ctrlc v3.1.9 -> v3.2.1
    Updating memoffset v0.6.1 -> v0.6.4
      Adding nix v0.23.0

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
      modified:   Cargo.lock

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Use tree:

$ cargo tree -p nix
error: There are multiple `nix` packages in your project, and the specification `nix` is ambiguous.
Please re-run this command with `-p <spec>` where `<spec>` is one of the following:
$ cargo tree -p nix:0.20.0
nix v0.20.0
├── bitflags v1.3.2
├── cfg-if v1.0.0
└── libc v0.2.103

$ cargo tree -p nix:0.20.0 -i
nix v0.20.0
├── solana-install v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/install)
├── solana-net-utils v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/net-utils)
│   ├── solana-accounts-cluster-bench v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/accounts-cluster-bench)
│   ├── solana-bench-streamer v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/bench-streamer)
│   ├── solana-bench-tps v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/bench-tps)
│   ├── solana-client v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/client)
│   │   ├── solana-accounts-cluster-bench v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/accounts-cluster-bench)
$ rg nix -t toml
16:nix = "0.20.0"

21:unix_socket2 = "0.5.4"
23:nix = "0.20.0"


1559:name = "nix"
3079: "nix",

20:nix = "0.20.0"

997: "nix 0.23.0",
2605:name = "nix"
2617:name = "nix"
4915: "nix 0.20.0",
5159: "nix 0.20.0",
5705: "nix 0.20.0",
5720: "nix 0.20.0",
5724: "unix_socket2",
6853:name = "unix_socket2"


23:nix = "0.20.0"
$ cargo update -p nix:0.20.0 --precise 0.20.2
    Updating index
error: failed to select a version for `bitflags`.
    ... required by package `nix v0.20.2`
    ... which is depended on by `solana-install v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/install)`
versions that meet the requirements `>=1.1.0, <1.3.0` are: 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.0

all possible versions conflict with previously selected packages.

  previously selected package `bitflags v1.3.1`
    ... which is depended on by `nix v0.23.0`
    ... which is depended on by `ctrlc v3.2.1`
    ... which is depended on by `solana-cli v1.9.0 (/<my_path>/solana/cli)`

failed to select a version for `bitflags` which could resolve this conflict

Haven’t solved it yet. To be continued.

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