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Data Structures in Popular Blockchains

tags: blockchain rust bitcoin ethereum polkadot substrate near nervos@hacking


Data structures in popular rust blockchains.


Not as simple as I thought, data structure are designed quite differently in different projects.

Let’s take a look at some examples.


Bitcoin Headers

Block hashing algorithm

A block header contains these fields: 4 Bytes Version Block version number 32 Bytes hashPrevBlock 256-bit hash of the previous block header 32 Bytes hashMerkleRoot 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block 4 Bytes Time Current block timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC 4 Bytes Bits Current target in compact format 4 Bytes Nonce 32-bit number (starts at 0)

Rust Bitcoin Library

I started with the well-known example of Bitcoin. Its protocol is simple and clearly explained in the whitepaper.

src: rust-bitcoin/src/blockdata/

I like developers put an introduction in front of a page!

//! Bitcoin Block
//! A block is a bundle of transactions with a proof-of-work attached,
//! which commits to an earlier block to form the blockchain. This
//! module describes structures and functions needed to describe
//! these blocks and the blockchain.

A Bitcoin block data structure is simple, and it looks like this:

/// A Bitcoin block, which is a collection of transactions with an attached
/// proof of work.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Block {
    /// The block header
    pub header: BlockHeader,
    /// List of transactions contained in the block
    pub txdata: Vec<Transaction>

And the blockheader:

/// A block header, which contains all the block's information except
/// the actual transactions
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BlockHeader {
    /// The protocol version. Should always be 1.
    pub version: i32,
    /// Reference to the previous block in the chain
    pub prev_blockhash: BlockHash,
    /// The root hash of the merkle tree of transactions in the block
    pub merkle_root: TxMerkleNode,
    /// The timestamp of the block, as claimed by the miner
    pub time: u32,
    /// The target value below which the blockhash must lie, encoded as a
    /// a float (with well-defined rounding, of course)
    pub bits: u32,
    /// The nonce, selected to obtain a low enough blockhash
    pub nonce: u32,

In order to save disk space, Bitcoin uses Merkle tree to compress transaction history. Merkle tree is a binary hash tree. The `merkle_root` in the `BlockHeader` struct refers to the root of a Merkle tree, which indicates the proof of transaction history.

Bitcoin Whitepaper is simple paper that explains its architecture.

Then let’s take a look at its value field, `txdata: Vec`.

//! Bitcoin Transaction
//! A transaction describes a transfer of money. It consumes previously-unspent
//! transaction outputs and produces new ones, satisfying the condition to spend
//! the old outputs (typically a digital signature with a specific key must be
//! provided) and defining the condition to spend the new ones. The use of digital
//! signatures ensures that coins cannot be spent by unauthorized parties.
//! This module provides the structures and functions needed to support transactions.

Struct bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction

In Bitcoin, transactions issues started with searching for recievers’ addresses. Then find the input UTXOs with approved signature. So the input and output data structures are a bit different.

/// A transaction output, which defines new coins to be created from old ones.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TxOut {
    /// The value of the output, in satoshis
    pub value: u64,
    /// The script which must satisfy for the output to be spent
    pub script_pubkey: Script
/// A transaction input, which defines old coins to be consumed
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TxIn {
    /// The reference to the previous output that is being used an an input
    pub previous_output: OutPoint,
    /// The script which pushes values on the stack which will cause
    /// the referenced output's script to accept
    pub script_sig: Script,
    /// The sequence number, which suggests to miners which of two
    /// conflicting transactions should be preferred, or 0xFFFFFFFF
    /// to ignore this feature. This is generally never used since
    /// the miner behaviour cannot be enforced.
    pub sequence: u32,
    /// Witness data: an array of byte-arrays.
    /// Note that this field is *not* (de)serialized with the rest of the TxIn in
    /// Encodable/Decodable, as it is (de)serialized at the end of the full
    /// Transaction. It *is* (de)serialized with the rest of the TxIn in other
    /// (de)serialization routines.
    pub witness: Vec<Vec<u8>>


OpenEthereum is Ethereum 1.0 Rust client.

Different from Bitcoin’s data structure, Ethereum introduces one more field.

src: openethereum/ethcore/types/src/

/// A block, encoded as it is on the block chain.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Block {
      /// The header of this block.
      pub header: Header,
      /// The transactions in this block.
      pub transactions: Vec<UnverifiedTransaction>,
      /// The uncles of this block.
      pub uncles: Vec<Header>,

Its header data structure is much more complicated compared to Bitcoin.

src: openethereum/ethcore/types/src/

/// A block header.
/// Reflects the specific RLP fields of a block in the chain with additional room for the seal
/// which is non-specific.
/// Doesn't do all that much on its own.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, MallocSizeOf)]
pub struct Header {
      /// Parent hash.
      parent_hash: H256,
      /// Block timestamp.
      timestamp: u64,
      /// Block number.
      number: BlockNumber,
      /// Block author.
      author: Address,

      /// Transactions root.
      transactions_root: H256,
      /// Block uncles hash.
      uncles_hash: H256,
      /// Block extra data.
      extra_data: Bytes,

      /// State root.
      state_root: H256,
      /// Block receipts root.
      receipts_root: H256,
      /// Block bloom.
      log_bloom: Bloom,
      /// Gas used for contracts execution.
      gas_used: U256,
      /// Block gas limit.
      gas_limit: U256,

      /// Block difficulty.
      difficulty: U256,
      /// Vector of post-RLP-encoded fields.
      seal: Vec<Bytes>,

      /// Memoized hash of that header and the seal.
      hash: Option<H256>,

I can’t fully understand the header data structure design just from the code. I guess I need to reread Ethereum Yellow Paper.

src: openethereum/ethcore/types/src/transaction/

/// A set of information describing an externally-originating message call
/// or contract creation operation.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, MallocSizeOf)]
pub struct Transaction {
      /// Nonce.
      pub nonce: U256,
      /// Gas price.
      pub gas_price: U256,
      /// Gas paid up front for transaction execution.
      pub gas: U256,
      /// Action, can be either call or contract create.
      pub action: Action,
      /// Transfered value.
      pub value: U256,
      /// Transaction data.
      pub data: Bytes,

Yellow paper:

The Transaction. A transaction (formally, T) is a single cryptographically-signed instruction constructed by an actor externally to the scope of Ethereum. on1

There are two types of transactions: those which result in message calls and those which result in the creation of new accounts with associated code (known informally as ‘contract creation’).

/// Transaction action type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, MallocSizeOf)]
pub enum Action {
      /// Create creates new contract.
      /// Calls contract at given address.
      /// In the case of a transfer, this is the receiver's address.'

The “contract” in the code comments are referring to a “smart contract” on the Ethereum blockchain platform, which can be considered as backend service in traditional internet programming, and a dapp, which with the full name of “decentralized application”, can be regarded as the frontend.


Polkadot is built on Substrate, a blockchain framework. The Substrate doc has explainations of its Block Structure

A block in Substrate is composed of a header and an array of extrinsics. The header contains a block height, parent hash, extrinsics root, state root, and digest.

src: core-primitives/src/

src: parachain/test-parachains/adder/src/

#[derive(Default, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct HeadData {
      /// Block number
      pub number: u64,
      /// parent block keccak256
      pub parent_hash: [u8; 32],
      /// hash of post-execution state.
      pub post_state: [u8; 32],
/// Block data for this parachain.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct BlockData {
      /// State to begin from.
      pub state: u64,
      /// Amount to add (overflowing)
      pub add: u64,
/// Execute a block body on top of given parent head, producing new parent head
/// if valid.
pub fn execute(
      parent_hash: [u8; 32],
      parent_head: HeadData,
      block_data: &BlockData,
) -> Result<HeadData, StateMismatch> {
      debug_assert_eq!(parent_hash, parent_head.hash());

      if hash_state(block_data.state) != parent_head.post_state {
	      return Err(StateMismatch);

      let new_state = block_data.state.overflowing_add(block_data.add).0;

      Ok(HeadData {
	      number: parent_head.number + 1,
	      post_state: hash_state(new_state),

src: substrate/primitives/blockchain/src/

/// Handles header metadata: hash, number, parent hash, etc.
pub trait HeaderMetadata<Block: BlockT> {
      /// Error used in case the header metadata is not found.
      type Error;

      fn header_metadata(
	      hash: Block::Hash,
      ) -> Result<CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>, Self::Error>;
      fn insert_header_metadata(
	      hash: Block::Hash,
	      header_metadata: CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>,
      fn remove_header_metadata(&self, hash: Block::Hash);

src: substrate/primitives/blockchain/src/


NEAR has two types of block structure that looks more or less the same. I choose to use the “V2” version as the example code.

src: nearcore/core/primitives/src/

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct BlockV2 {
    pub header: BlockHeader,
    pub chunks: Vec<ShardChunkHeader>,
    pub challenges: Challenges,

    // Data to confirm the correctness of randomness beacon output
    pub vrf_value: near_crypto::vrf::Value,
    pub vrf_proof: near_crypto::vrf::Proof,

src: nearcore/core/primitives/src/

/// Versioned BlockHeader data structure.
/// For each next version, document what are the changes between versions.
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum BlockHeader {

Still, we choose to use V2 code.

/// V1 -> V2: Remove `chunks_included` from `inner_reset`
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct BlockHeaderV2 {
    pub prev_hash: CryptoHash,

    /// Inner part of the block header that gets hashed, split into two parts, one that is sent
    ///    to light clients, and the rest
    pub inner_lite: BlockHeaderInnerLite,
    pub inner_rest: BlockHeaderInnerRestV2,

    /// Signature of the block producer.
    pub signature: Signature,

    /// Cached value of hash for this block.
    pub hash: CryptoHash,

src: nearcore/core/primitives/src/

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct ShardChunkHeaderV2 {
    pub inner: ShardChunkHeaderInner,

    pub height_included: BlockHeight,

    /// Signature of the chunk producer.
    pub signature: Signature,

    pub hash: ChunkHash,
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct ShardChunkHeaderInner {
    /// Previous block hash.
    pub prev_block_hash: CryptoHash,
    pub prev_state_root: StateRoot,
    /// Root of the outcomes from execution transactions and results.
    pub outcome_root: CryptoHash,
    pub encoded_merkle_root: CryptoHash,
    pub encoded_length: u64,
    pub height_created: BlockHeight,
    /// Shard index.
    pub shard_id: ShardId,
    /// Gas used in this chunk.
    pub gas_used: Gas,
    /// Gas limit voted by validators.
    pub gas_limit: Gas,
    /// Total balance burnt in previous chunk
    pub balance_burnt: Balance,
    /// Outgoing receipts merkle root.
    pub outgoing_receipts_root: CryptoHash,
    /// Tx merkle root.
    pub tx_root: CryptoHash,
    /// Validator proposals.
    pub validator_proposals: Vec<ValidatorStake>,

src: nearcore/core/primitives/src/

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Challenge {
    pub body: ChallengeBody,
    pub account_id: AccountId,
    pub signature: Signature,

    pub hash: CryptoHash,

pub type Challenges = Vec<Challenge>;

Seems NEAR heavily typed their data. I couldn’t find NEAR’s architecture design from its paper or documentation.

Nervos CKB

src: ckb/util/types/src/core/

#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct CellMeta {
    pub cell_output: CellOutput,
    pub out_point: OutPoint,
    pub transaction_info: Option<TransactionInfo>,
    pub data_bytes: u64,
    /// In memory cell data and its hash
    /// A live cell either exists in memory or DB
    /// must check DB if this field is None
    pub mem_cell_data: Option<(Bytes, Byte32)>,

src: ckb/util/types/src/generated/

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct BlockBuilder {
    pub(crate) header: Header,
    pub(crate) uncles: UncleBlockVec,
    pub(crate) transactions: TransactionVec,
    pub(crate) proposals: ProposalShortIdVec,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct UncleBlockBuilder {
    pub(crate) header: Header,
    pub(crate) proposals: ProposalShortIdVec,

There is almost no comment on these codes, and I don’t understand that `ProposalShortIdVec` means. How they define `UncleBlockVec`, which raises new questions about “an uncle block”. I hope there is a meaningful explanation here to eliminate the confusion of learning its code.

I finally found an explaination of data structure from its GitHub doc. It would be much convenient if I could read this information in code comments.

In Bitcoin, the uncle block is stored in the header data; In CKB, it is stored in the block directly as a field. I don’t have any further thoughts here at the moment.

After reading this page, I still don’t know what `ProposalShortIdVec` is. I guess that might because I lack some pre-knowledge to start with.

src: ckb/util/types/src/core/

pub struct CellMetaBuilder {
    cell_output: CellOutput,
    out_point: OutPoint,
    transaction_info: Option<TransactionInfo>,
    data_bytes: u64,
    mem_cell_data: Option<(Bytes, Byte32)>,

src: ckb/util/types/src/core/

#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct TransactionMeta {
    pub(crate) block_number: u64,
    pub(crate) epoch_number: u64,
    pub(crate) block_hash: Byte32,
    pub(crate) cellbase: bool,
    /// each bits indicate if transaction has dead cells
    pub(crate) dead_cell: BitVec,

src: ckb/util/types/src/core/

More to do

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