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This page was created/modified in commit 8a74145 "Miri test" on 2021-02-28.
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Captain Game

categories: hacking

tags: rust smartcontract


A game smart contract with Parity ink.


Captain game with Parity ink.

My hacklog


Some differences between ink’s doc and my terminal:

ink’s doc:

cargo-contract 0.8.0
Utilities to develop Wasm smart contracts.

    cargo contract <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    new                  Setup and create a new smart contract project
    build                Compiles the contract, generates metadata, bundles both together in a '.contract' file
    check                Check that the code builds as Wasm; does not output any build artifact to the top level `target/` directory
    test                 Test the smart contract off-chain
    deploy               Upload the smart contract code to the chain
    instantiate          Instantiate a deployed smart contract
    help                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

My terminal:

$ cargo contract --version
cargo-contract 0.8.0

$ cargo contract --help
cargo-contract 0.8.0
Utilities to develop Wasm smart contracts

    cargo contract <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    new                  Setup and create a new smart contract project
    build                Compiles the contract, generates metadata, bundles both together in a `<name>.contract`
    generate-metadata    Command has been deprecated, use `cargo contract build` instead
    check                Check that the code builds as Wasm; does not output any build artifact to the top level
                         `target/` directory
    test                 Test the smart contract off-chain
    help                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

$ cargo contract deploy
error: Found argument 'deploy' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

    cargo contract <SUBCOMMAND>

For more information try --help

While there isn’t a upgrade or update command, I installed it again:

$ cargo install cargo-contract --vers 0.8.0 --force --locked

But, cargo contract --help doesn’t show me any differences.

Gladly, I find something from GitHub: cargo-contract


The `deploy` and `instantiate` subcommands are disabled by default, since they are not fully stable yet and increase the build time.

If you want to try them, you need to enable the `extrinsics` feature:

`cargo install –git cargo-contract –features extrinsics –force`

Once they are stable and the compilation time is acceptable, we will consider removing the `extrinsics` feature.

I am trying but it doesn’t work: it’s broken, and Brian has submitted a PR to fix it.

$ cargo install --git cargo-contract --features extrinsics --force

error: aborting due to 60 previous errors

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0034, E0308.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0034`.
error: could not compile `bitvec`

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile `cargo-contract v0.8.0 (`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/var/folders/g5/hf7q78jn0vngnqtqj_3qfm6r0000gn/T/cargo-installBtwvjf`

Caused by:
  build failed

Changes in the smart contract: I add more verification in the run-highest-level logic that prints congratulations and do not level_up once the player’s run_level_2 is succeeded.


Test with submit_level and run_level + level_up after run_level succeed:

2021-02-13 12:26:36.009  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 1, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230]), 1: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-13 12:26:36.010  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-13 12:26:36.011  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:dispatch level: 1, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-13 12:26:36.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:run_level_1_flipper, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-13 12:26:36.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call success
2021-02-13 12:26:36.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get return value true
2021-02-13 12:26:36.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:verified flipper current state
2021-02-13 12:26:36.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call success
2021-02-13 12:26:36.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get return value false
2021-02-13 12:26:36.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:verify flipper new state
2021-02-13 12:26:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:run_level_1_flipper call success
2021-02-13 12:26:36.015  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:player_account: PlayerAccount { level: 2, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230]), 1: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }

Now a player can submit (and run) programs up to 3 levels.

I also add more Debugging log, and clean up the code.


First log:

$ canvas --dev --tmp -lerror,runtime=debug

# Bob creates a player account

2021-02-06 13:21:47.719  DEBUG event.loop0 runtime:new player account PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {} }
2021-02-06 13:21:54.009  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:new player account PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {} }

# Bob submits a level_program

2021-02-06 13:22:12.498  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-06 13:22:12.521  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-06 13:22:12.529  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-06 13:22:12.539  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([142, 175, 4, 21, 22, 135, 115, 99, 38, 201, 254, 161, 126, 37, 252, 82, 135, 97, 54, 147, 201, 18, 144, 156, 178, 38, 170, 71, 148, 242, 106, 72])
2021-02-06 13:22:17.161  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:22:24.007  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])

# choose "run_level" method from the dropdown list

2021-02-06 13:22:42.891  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-06 13:22:42.892  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:22:42.893  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:22:42.893  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: [222, 173, 190, 239]
2021-02-06 13:22:42.895  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)
2021-02-06 13:22:42.902  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-06 13:22:42.903  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:22:42.905  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:22:42.905  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: [222, 173, 190, 239]
2021-02-06 13:22:42.906  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)

# click "Call" button

2021-02-06 13:23:06.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-06 13:23:06.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:23:06.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-06 13:23:06.015  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:contract selector: [222, 173, 190, 239]
2021-02-06 13:23:06.015  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)

I have wasted so much time only because I didn’t pay attention to the two selectors and the different method return values. Cross contract call works finally after I corrected the selector.

I add more prints for verification in the run_level method, and create run_level_0, run_level_1, and more levels. Each one uses the same flipper contract for testing.


Is this a network problem?
1014: Priority is too low: (133148198758 vs 133148198758): The transaction has too low priority to replace another transaction already in the pool.

Again, this time, our demo doesn’t work:

2021-02-04 11:44:06.057  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 11:44:06.058  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:06.059  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:06.060  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 11:44:06.061  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)
2021-02-04 11:44:06.069  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 11:44:06.070  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:06.072  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:06.072  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 11:44:06.073  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)
2021-02-04 11:44:18.011  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 11:44:18.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:18.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 11:44:18.015  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 11:44:18.015  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)

Why it prints three rounds of debug messages?

I go back to our previous sample test, and it doesn’t work either:

2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:DispatchError
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:8
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:6
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:OutOfGas
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:PostInfo:
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:actual_weight=
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:6113641282
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:pays_fee=
2021-02-04 11:47:18.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:Yes

I change the sample code and remove .gas_limit(0) and .transferred_value(0), then it works! I don’t understand.

2021-02-04 11:59:12.124  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:calling get on AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-04 11:59:12.124  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:return value Err(NotCallable)
2021-02-04 11:59:12.130  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-04 11:59:12.132  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:return value Ok(false)
2021-02-04 11:59:14.451  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-04 11:59:14.451  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:return value Ok(false)
2021-02-04 11:59:30.002  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-04 11:59:30.003  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:return value Ok(false)
2021-02-04 11:59:36.004  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-04 11:59:36.005  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:return value Ok(false)

Now I am going to test the game contract again. run_level call prints debug messages:

# call submit_level method

2021-02-04 12:03:53.456  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-04 12:03:53.483  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-04 12:03:53.490  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
2021-02-04 12:03:53.495  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([142, 175, 4, 21, 22, 135, 115, 99, 38, 201, 254, 161, 126, 37, 252, 82, 135, 97, 54, 147, 201, 18, 144, 156, 178, 38, 170, 71, 148, 242, 106, 72])
2021-02-04 12:04:21.854  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:04:36.010  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:insert level 0, and contract AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])

# choose run_level method from Canvas UI

2021-02-04 12:06:35.054  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 12:06:35.055  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:06:35.056  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:06:35.056  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 12:06:35.057  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)
2021-02-04 12:06:35.065  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 12:06:35.066  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:06:35.067  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:06:35.067  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 12:06:35.068  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)

# click call button and sign it

2021-02-04 12:07:18.008  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])} }
2021-02-04 12:07:18.009  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:program id: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:07:18.011  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:dispatch level: 0, calling contract: AccountId([154, 109, 9, 43, 214, 19, 68, 75, 177, 212, 196, 5, 184, 224, 248, 107, 32, 56, 240, 228, 240, 158, 222, 41, 53, 1, 138, 195, 219, 58, 141, 230])
2021-02-04 12:07:18.011  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:contract selector: Selector { bytes: [222, 173, 190, 239] }
2021-02-04 12:07:18.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call failed: Decode(Error)

Seems there is something wrong with my changed code.


Ink team seems to plan to implement trait for cross-contract calls: [Feature] Dynamic trait based contract calling #631. We currently use hard-coded code in method attributes, called Selector.

While our game contract needs to allow players upload their programs for each multiple level challenges, I plan to use multiple ~Selector~s for different programs. I changed the code a bit:

let selector;
match level {
    0 => selector = Selector::new([0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]),
    1 => selector = Selector::new([0xDE, 0xAD, 0xEE, 0xEE]),
    _ => unreachable!(),

Call method failed, and I don’t know what’s wrong from the error message. I’ll run the previous game-test example again later.


After about two weeks without working on it, I need to restore my previous log in my memory to start with.

I build my Game contract and Example-levels contract respectively: cargo contract build, and run a Substrate node: canvas --dev --tmp -lerror,runtime=debug, then visit Canvas from browser:

Test process from Canvas:

Uncaught error. Something went wrong with the query and rendering of this component. createType(Result):: Cannot construct unknown type Result

extrinsic event

We print a lot of activities in our code:

ink_env::debug_println(&format!("print_some_thing {:?}", print_content));~

The node terminal prints below. I don’t know why it prints three times.

2021-02-01 11:26:05.699  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])} }
2021-02-01 11:26:05.700  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.701  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: calling flip on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.703  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.704  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call success
2021-02-01 11:26:05.704  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get return value true
2021-02-01 11:26:05.712  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])} }
2021-02-01 11:26:05.713  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:program id: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.714  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:dispatch level: calling flip on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.716  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:05.717  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get method call success
2021-02-01 11:26:05.717  DEBUG          event.loop0 runtime:get return value true
2021-02-01 11:26:18.012  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:game account: PlayerAccount { level: 0, level_contracts: {0: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])} }
2021-02-01 11:26:18.013  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:program id: AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:18.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:dispatch level: calling flip on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:18.016  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-02-01 11:26:18.016  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get method call success
2021-02-01 11:26:18.016  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:get return value true


It works today, for no reason. Testing source code.

2021-01-18 17:21:12.010  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:calling get on AccountId([143, 23, 140, 104, 129, 87, 181, 199, 82, 222, 77, 198, 172, 231, 178, 249, 251, 156, 129, 233, 134, 167, 114, 60, 101, 73, 245, 85, 139, 84, 27, 156])
2021-01-18 17:21:12.010  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:return value Ok(false)


Create isolated environment for testing. Source code.


Debug contract trapped

2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:DispatchError
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:8
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:17
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:ContractTrapped
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:PostInfo:
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:actual_weight=
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:7172485790
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:pays_fee=
2021-01-14 16:34:36.014  DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker runtime:Yes

Found DispatchError from Substrate code:

/// Turn this GasMeter into a DispatchResult that contains the actually used gas.
pub fn into_dispatch_result<R, E>(self, result: Result<R, E>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo
        E: Into<ExecError>,
        let post_info = PostDispatchInfo {
                actual_weight: Some(self.gas_spent()),
                pays_fee: Default::default(),

                .map(|_| post_info)
                .map_err(|e| DispatchErrorWithPostInfo { post_info, error: e.into().error })


Test code:

#[ink(message, payable)]
pub fn run_level_test(&mut self) -> bool {
    let program_id = "4cfac7f74c6233449b5e54ba070231dd94c71b89505482cd910000656258d3ed";

    ink_env::debug_println(&format!("hash {:?}", program_id));

    let program_id = hex::decode(program_id).unwrap();
    ink_env::debug_println(&format!("decode {:?}", program_id));

    let program_id = AccountId::try_from(&program_id[..]).unwrap();
    ink_env::debug_println(&format!("AccountId {:?}", program_id));


Run Canvas and print debug in console:

$ canvas --dev --tmp -lerror,runtime=debug

2021-01-07 20:47:37.878  DEBUG event.loop0 runtime:hash "4cfac7f74c6233449b5e54ba070231dd94c71b89505482cd910000656258d3ed"
2021-01-07 20:47:37.880  DEBUG event.loop0 runtime:decode [76, 250, 199, 247, 76, 98, 51, 68, 155, 94, 84, 186, 7, 2, 49, 221, 148, 199, 27, 137, 80, 84, 130, 205, 145, 0, 0, 101, 98, 88, 211, 237]
2021-01-07 20:47:37.881  DEBUG event.loop0 runtime:AccountId AccountId([76, 250, 199, 247, 76, 98, 51, 68, 155, 94, 84, 186, 7, 2, 49, 221, 148, 199, 27, 137, 80, 84, 130, 205, 145, 0, 0, 101, 98, 88, 211, 237])

Test process:


Write code for cross-contract call.


In ink, clone can’t be derived for nested HashMap type. We use BTreeMap instead.

use ink_storage::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Game {
    game_accounts: HashMap<AccountId, GameAccount>,

pub struct GameAccount {
    level: u32,
    level_programs: BTreeMap<u32, AccountId>,


We can’t use String directly.

   Compiling game v0.1.0 (/private/var/folders/g5/hf7q78jn0vngnqtqj_3qfm6r0000gn/T/cargo-contract_GdJJAl)
error[E0412]: cannot find type `String` in this scope
  --> /<my_path>/contract-game/src/game/
49 |     pub fn create_game_account(&mut self, role_name: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
   |                                                      ^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: aborting due to previous error

We need alloc here.

extern crate alloc;

mod game {
    use ink_storage::collections::HashMap;
    use alloc::{string::String, format};


Added HashMap, and it looks complicated.

use ink_storage::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Game {
    game_accounts: HashMap<AccountId, GameAccount>,

#[derive(Debug, scale::Encode, scale::Decode, ink_storage_derive::PackedLayout, ink_storage_derive::SpreadLayout)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
pub struct GameAccount {
    game_account_id: [u32; 8],
    level: u32,


Use ink! to create a contract template in our project (currently private).

$ cargo contract check --manifest-path src/game/Cargo.toml

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